Hello everyone,
Good morning with big smile.
Today I am sad to let you know one angel has left us from this world, but at the same time I am happy to tell you all how the goodness in this angel will be always alive with us.
Let me tell you who this angel is and how I met him. His name is JOAN FIGUERAS, he is from Catalunya, from a small village called LLORENÇ DEL PENEDES, near Barcelona.
He never came to india, I had never met him before in Catalunya (Spain) and as I always say, magic happens. Thanks to my friend Sonia Cardó, two years ago she gave my book to Joan and for the last two years he was trying to find the way to organise a presentation in his village. Finally, he succeeded on 26th April 2015, and you will not believe, it was a magical day for me and my dream project.
When I met him, the first time in his village with his big smile, he was super happy, with a lot of positive energy. I still remember his face, a kind man who can be never forgotten in my life. Thanks to him, who arranged this talk, I met many other good people in his village.
The first one is SARA MAMPEL and her family and friends who have been helping me for my project. Sara is the one from that day that when she saw the poster of the talk, she called me through Skype and Facebook to know the project and started helping me after reading the book, thanks to Joan cause he gave her the book. The story doesn't end here, one friend of Sara, MERÇÈ FORTUNY and her daughter EILEEN, have been helping us a lot too. She is a teacher working in the same school as Sara. Both of them have been a magical light to my project because they tried to arrange many talks in schools to let children know about street children lives in other side of the world, so that, they can know how lucky and privilege they are. And not only this, because thanks to Merçè, all Merçè relatives arranged one talk in another village (Bonastre) and let all the village know about my project.
It has been magic, one unconditional drop can move so many other good things together. For this reason I say Joan is an angel who passed away yesterday, who has been sick and didn't say anything, he was just smiling and proud of all I was doing and while he was holding my hand he said to me that he wanted to come to Bombay. Now I know he was sick, I was waiting to see him but I didn't know I would not see him again. All what he did for my project, to let world know around him about it and make something in other side of the world what he had nothing to do with, it has been magic for me and my dream.
I am so proud of him, to have one of this angels in my life, in this life, because i do not believe in other life. Joan has put one light to my dream project, and his one light will live forever because he has lighted one good light and now many lights have been lighted up. What can I say more about one person like Joan, who was nobody to me and became more than a family and angel in my life.
Care and love were things what I missed the most in my childhood , now I have to carry on with this love and care for all Amins who can't be me and you. I am privilege to meet Joan and through Joan, I met all these angels who have been standing by me, supporting me, giving all their love and care that they can, and thanks to them I am carrying on with this project.
He is not with us anymore, but his spirit of goodness will live forever. I will pass all the good he has dropped in my life to other lives. Thanks is a very small world for your kindness and your goodness but all I say I will never forget you. You are like a flower who passed on the joy and happiness to others....
Amin Sheikh
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Hola a tothom,
Bon dia amb un gran somriure.
Avui m'entristeix comunicar-vos que un àngel ens ha deixat, però a la vegada em complau dir-vos que la seva bondat romandrà sempre viva entre nosaltres.
Deixeu-me dir-vos qui és aquest àngel i com el vaig conèixer. El seu nom és JOAN FIGUERAS, català, d'un poble anomenat LLORENÇ DEL PENEDÈS a prop de Barcelona.
Ell mai ha trepitjat la Índia, no l'havia conegut mai a Catalunya (Espanya), i com sempre dic, va aparèixer la màgia. Gràcies a la meva amiga Sónia Cardó, ja que ella li va donar el meu llibre ja fa dos anys i des de llavors va estar intentant trobar la manera de fer una xerrada al seu poble. Finalment la va aconseguir pel 26 d'abril del 2015, i no us ho creureu, va ser un dia màgic per a mi i el meu projecte.
Quan el vaig conèixer era la primera vegada que el veia, al seu poble, amb un somriure d'orella a orella. Ell estava molt content, ple d'energia positiva. Encara recordo la seva cara, un home amable que mai oblidaré. Gràcies a ell, que va organitzar aquesta xerrada, vaig conèixer altra gent molt maca en aquest poble.
La primera persona és la SARA MAMPEL i la seva familia i amics, que han estat ajudant en el meu projecte. La Sara, des del dia que va veure el póster de la xerrada, em va trucar per Skype i Facebook per saber sobre el projecte i em va començar a ajudar després de llegir el llibre. Això ha sigut gràcies al Joan, ja que va ser ell qui li va donar el llibre. La història no acaba aquí, una altra amiga de la Sara, la MERÇÈ FORTUNY i la seva filla EILEEN, m'han estat ajudant moltíssim també. Ella és una mestra que treballa a la mateixa escola que la Sara. Les dues han estat unes llums màgiques per al meu projecte ja que han intentat organitzar moltes xerrades en diferents escoles, per fer veure als alumnes com viuen els nens del carrer a l'altra banda del món, i per tant, poder valorar el privilegi de viure en aquestes condicions. I no només això, perquè gràcies a la Merçè, els seus familiars em van montar una xerrada a Bonastre per donar a conèixer el meu projecte en aquest poblet.
Estic molt orgullós d'ell, de tenir un d'aquests àngels a la meva vida, en aquesta vida, perquè jo no crec en cap altra vida. El Joan ha encès una llum en aquest projete, i aquesta llum romandrà sempre viva perquè a través d'aquesta s'han encès moltes altres més. Què puc dir més d'una persona com el Joan, d'algú que no tenia res a veure amb mi i s'ha convertit en més que un àngel i familia a la meva vida?
La cura i l'amor són les coses que vaig trobar més a faltar a la meva infantesa, ara haig de continuar endavant amb aquest amor i aquesta cura per a tots aquests Amins que no poden ser ni tu ni jo. Tinc el privilegi d'haver-me trobat amb el Joan, i a través d'ell, he conegut tots aquests àngels que estan donant-me suport, cuidant-me, i donant-me tot el seu amor i cura, gràcies a tots ells continuo amb aquest projecte.
Ell ja no hi serà més amb nosaltres, però el seu esperit de bondat romandrà amb nosaltres per sempre. Transmetré tota la bondat que m'ha aportat a la meva vida cap a d'altres. Gràcies és una paraula molt petita per tota la seva amabilitat i bondat, no obstant, tot el que vull dir és que mai t'oblidaré. Ets com una flor que ha transmès l'alegria i la felicitat als altres.
Amin Sheikh