About Me

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I'm Amin Sheikh living in Bombay,India. I have my own car rental company called Sneha Travels. I show people Bombay city and whtever they like.One day i want to start a Library coffe, is my dream, where i want to show people, everybody is equal, thats what i call Humanity. i want to make this world more batter for every one but im not alone who think like this i hope you come one day with me hand to hand and we make better world and better place for every liveing life in this world. If i can you can.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015


Hola a todos,
Buenas tardes con una gran sonrisa.

Os voy a compartir buenas y no tan buenas noticias. Como todos sabéis, des de hace ya tres años que estoy buscando un sitio para poder abrir una cafetería y hacer de este sueño una realidad. Aun así,  esta tarea está siendo difícil dado que los precios de vivienda son muy altos en Bombay… y sumando a esto, aún no ha venido nadie que me pueda solventar la necesidad financiera. La mayoría de la gente lee los artículos y solo muestra su agrado, pero no pasan de este punto.

Creerme si os digo que es muy difícil y nada fácil para mi saber que hay tanta gente que sabe sobre el proyecto, y sin tener en cuenta su clase o su fortuna, nadie ha venido a decirme: “Amin, empezamos a trabajar juntos y encontrar la manera de hacer este sueño realidad”. Hay unos cuantos ÁNGELES que han dado todo lo que han podido. Ellos saben y sienten el proyecto, y comparten su empatía y amor hacia él. Ellos andan conmigo aun estando tan lejos, pero a la misma vez tan cerca de mi corazón. Mano a mano ellos aseguran que nunca abandone mi objetivo, este sueño de la cafetería. Este proyecto de amor para el beneficio de esos niños que no tienen la oportunidad de desarrollarse trabajando en “su” sueño de cafetería. Me creáis o no, estos amigos que están conmigo en el proyecto, lo están des del primer dia! Estos son los ángeles que creen en la mejora.
He encontrado un lugar en Mumbai, Andheri EAST M.I.D.C. El precio es alrededor de unas 20,000,000 Rupias, lo que sería unos 300,000 Euros. Doy ejemplo en Euros porque la mayoría de los ÁNGELES que han estado ayudándome son de EUROPA.

Después de dos horas hablando con los constructores y propietarios, finalmente han acordado este precio. Los constructores no les importa demasiado la finalidad y la intención detrás del proyecto. Un hombre de negocios solo está interesado en dinero y no tienen la empatía necesaria para darme tiempo y comprensión para poder empezar este bonito proyecto.

Este lugar me gusta por muchas razones, es un sitio tranquilo, verde, y tiene el espacio necesario para que la gente pueda leer libros en calma, encontrarse y hacer actividades sociales como eventos, charlas, convenciones, tomar un café o un té con algún tentempié tranquila y calmadamente, evitando el estrés y las prisas del día a día.

Me gustaría ofrecer el espacio donde la gente pueda venir y reencontrarse con ellos mismos, y disfrutar y apreciar productos hechos con amor y cura. Actualmente estamos comiendo mucha comida basura, sin tener el conocimiento de ellos. Comida de “plástico” y superficial

Esta es la verdad del día de hoy, y además, la mayoría de los lugares en Mumbai son muy sucios. Para mi, las cosas esenciales de un cadé son la higiene, la luz natural del sol y el aire fresco. No hace falta mencionar unos aseos cómodos para hombres y mujeres. Sin éstas características, una cafetería no puede existir. Después de todo, las personas necesitamos una buena salud y consciencia. Por lo tanto, todas estas circunstancias tienen que venir juntas. Una higiene adecuada, un ambiente de paz y tranquilidad, y por supuesto, productos de calidad hechos con consciencia y amor, y servidos con amabilidad

No sé como puedo conseguir este sitio, pero solo tengo 30 días para cerrar la venta, y luego 30 días más para hacer el primer pago antes que se lo quede otro interesado.

Por lo tanto, todo aquél que esté leyendo este artículo en mi Blog, Facebook o twitter, por favor, os lo pido por favor… sin vosotros este sueño no puede nacer. Necesitamos ayuda!!! Cada gota que podáis aportar puede hacer este sueño realidad. Es en beneficio de nuestros niños de la calle.

Por favor, os estoy mendigando, ayudarnos a hacer este sueño de la cafetería UNA REALIDAD! Cada gota vuestra nos puede ayudar de forma muy positiva.

¿Cómo nos puedes ayudar? Puedes hacer una donación o darnos un préstamo sin ningún interés de entre 5 y 7 años. Os agradezco, des de todo mi ser, vuestra comprensión y amable ayuda. Todos juntos podemos hacerlo. Sé una parte de un futuro mejor de otro. Esto es para todos aquellos que no tienen una oportunidad. Con toda mi humildad,

Aquí teneis mi email y mi contacto
Por favor, ayuda si crees en el proyecto
Amin sheikh 

Tuesday, 25 August 2015


Hello Everyone,
Good evening with big a smile.

I have to share good news and not so good news. As everyone know,  I have been looking for cafe place for the last 3 years to open this " dream come true". But it is difficult because of the high prices for housing in Bombay...and besides that no one has reached out to help with any financial need. Most people read the articles and just mention that they like what they read, but nothing more then that. 

Believe me if I tell you that its so difficult and not easy for me knowing that so many people know about the project, and wether they are in a fortunate and strong possision or not, not anyone came up to say; "Amin, let’s work together and find the way to make this cafe dream for real". There are a few ANGELS that gave all what was in their reach.They know and feel what the project is all about and share their empathy and love for it. They walk with me even though they live miles away, but at the same time close to the heart. Hand in hand they are making sure that I will never give up this objective, this dream cafe.This project of love for the benefit of these children who can have the opportunity to develop working in "their" dream cafe. Believe it or not, those friends who are with me on this project are with me from day one! These are the ANGELS that believe in the better.
I have found a place in Mumbai ,Andheri EAST  M.I.D.C. The price is around 20,000,000 Rupees, so in Euros would be around 300 thousand. I am giving the example in Euros because most of the ANGELS who have been helping me, are from EUROPE. 

After a 2 hours talk with the constructors/landlords they finally settled this price. The constructors do not really care for my motivation and intention behind the project. As businessman they only care about the money and they do not have the empathy to give me time and understanding to start this beautiful project. 

I like this place for many reasons, it is a calm place, green, and it can have a space where people can read  books in a calmness,   meet with social activities and events, like talks, conventions, have a coffee, tea  and a healthy snack quietly and peacefully and avoid the rush or running around all the time. 

I would like to offer to people a moment where they can come in touch with themselves and enjoy and appreciate the products they are consuming which are made with love and care. These days we eat without any knowledge about the products we consume. Its all so "plastic" and superficial.This is the way it is nowadays and also most of the places in Mumbai are very dirty. To me, the most important things a café should have hygene, and a good share of the sun light and  fresh air. Not to mention clean and comfortable mens and ladies washrooms. Without these characteristics, a café cannot come in existence. After all, what people need is  good health and mindfulness. Thus, all these circumstances should come together. Proper hygene,  peace and tranquil environment, and of course the quality of the products made with awareness and love to be served with kindness.

I don’t know how to obtain this place but I have only 30 days to fix the closure, and then 30 days more to make the first downpayment before the place gets locked out by someone else interested!!

Therefore, every one of you who is reading this article on my blog, Facebook or twitter, please please please...people, without you this cafe dream cannot be born. We need help !!!!!!! every little drop of help can make this dream come true. For the benefit of our street children.

Please, I am begging  all of you, help us to make this café dream A REALITY!  Every drop of your help can help us in a good way. 

How you can help?  You can make a donation or give us loan without interest for 5 years to 7 years . I thank you with whole my being for your understanding and kind help. Together we can do this. Be a part of ones better future. For those who otherwise have no chance. With humbleness,

Here you have my email add contact 
Please help if you believe in this project 
Thank you 
Amin sheikh 

Tuesday, 18 August 2015


Hello everyone,
Good morning with big smile.
After all the day being out here and there looking for a cafe place and helping some friends from Madrid and Barcelona in Bombay, I had just arrived home and my friend Deepak Zade met me and he told me "Amin bahi, there is an article about you in MANSXP". I have no idea what this site is, but I got a facebook message some days ago from a man called Aksheev Puri, the man i never met in my life, telling me that he was writing about me. It is nice from him that he is standing by me.

There are some mistakes in the article, but the most important is he wants to help my project and make this dream in real.
Thank you dearest Aksheev Puri to help us and stand by Bombay to Barcelona Library Café.
Amin Sheikh
ASKHEEV PURI http://www.mensxp.com/special-features/incredible-indians/27278-from-a-street-urchin-to-a-writer-this-is-the-story-of-amin-sheikh.html

Friday, 14 August 2015


Hello everyone good morning with big smile :)) 
Happy INDEPENDENCE DAY to everyone of you from me and all my dreams team of Bombay To Barcelona library cafe :)) 
Today everyone will sing national anthem looking up to our great Indian flag it is beautiful and many people will take vows in India like Is my great country , I will protract my country with all my heart and I'm proud to be an Indian but most people will say this only for saying but very few people will put it into action and they are really doing great work .
If everyone do great work together then no one have to say I'm proud to be Indian
India himself will say I am proud , strong as natures but we are just Killing this natures without looking down or around where children and old people live on the street .
Well I will say in my way
I am proud and lucky to born under this flag which protected me and given me all I need but also thought me don't live selfishly look around you where people have nothing to eat or home to stay and place work and all that green, green my nation everyday becoming grey and children working still today in my nation :)) so before you all looking up to great flag look down around you thanks to everyone of you happy INDEPENDENCE DAY
I AM BECAUSE OF YOU MY GREEN INDIA :)) and few great people who has given me their life and time for my nation .
Amin sheikh

Saturday, 8 August 2015



Hello Everyone good night and good morning with big smile from Bombay  :)), just now 7 friends from Barcelona (SPAIN) send me whatsapp saying  amin you are in La Sexta TV right now .
It is very funny cause  this evening after running all the day up and down looking for cafe dream place with agent in Andheri near my home town , everyone wants a lot of money I don't know how to get the place for this Bombay To Barcelona​ library cafe  and I was talking to my self telling ANGELS please do some magic to find me the way and support in this selfish world to make this dream cafe Bombay to Barcelona library cafe in real.
Well I don't know if this program will get more help from people , from this world or not but this one magic for me today has given me more energy to stand by my dream :)) 
Thanks to all my ANGELS who have been working on this project and La Sexta TV. 
Amin Sheikh :))